Global Youth Service Day

Tomasso Mortgage is volunteering this year for Global Youth Service Day with Keep Lee County Beautiful, Inc. This is a worldwide event that is celebrated by youths every year in more than 135 countries. Young people work together to help improve their local communities. This year our students, ages 12 to 18, will be volunteering at Lovers Key State Park in a variety of projects such as painting, assembling recycle bins, trail trimming, beach cleanup, and other fun and worthwhile tasks.
Last year the students did a painting project, trail trimming, exotic removal, built picnic benches, tables and completed other projects. At the end of the day the youths had a great sense of accomplishment.
Like last year, all of the students volunteering in this event will enjoy a free lunch in the afternoon and admission to the park for the day.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
8:45 am – 1:00 pm
at Lovers Key State Park
CLICK HERE for additional information and to register to volunteer.